Multi-viewer/kvm for MiSTer

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Multi-viewer/kvm for MiSTer

Unread post by hsnewman »

I have a Taki clone and De10 Mister, and 2 computers. I bought this: ... _rp_0_27_t

but when I switch between systems sometimes the MiSTer locks up. I've tried everything I can think of. Do I just need seperate keyboard/mouse for each MiSTer?

I saw a some Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboards, like the K480, do these work well?


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Re: Multi-viewer/kvm for MiSTer

Unread post by traceywilder »

It’s possible that the MiSTer is locking up due to the way the multiviewer is handling the input switching. Some KVM switches or video splitters, especially if they also handle USB peripherals, can cause issues with the signal or input devices when switching between systems.

Using separate keyboard and mouse for each MiSTer might solve the issue, as this would prevent any interference or conflicts from the switching mechanism.

If your multiviewer or KVM supports USB pass-through or if you can manually switch USB peripherals, that might prevent the issue. Some KVM switches have issues with passing USB data properly, especially with more sensitive devices like keyboards or mice. Make sure the switch supports proper USB hot-swapping.

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