C64 Snappy Rom now works on C64 core

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C64 Snappy Rom now works on C64 core

Unread post by Hackshed_Carl »

Hi everyone
Thought I'd mention this in case anyone missed it but there was another C64 update released yesterday.
One of the improvements was the support of 128k cartridges.

I've always used the Action Replay 6 cart (had one back in the day) and I love it but now that I'm trying to learn C64 assembly, I find that the AR cart interferes sometime when I run my code.
I understand that it's noticing something wrong and then freezing so then I have to reset the machine (leaving memory unwiped) and then run my code.

I read somewhere on the net that the AR6 cart has a slightly "nervous"? machine code monitor that causes minor issues.
Nothing show stopping but it upsets my flow and I don't like it.

I recently got a Kung fu Flash cart for my real C64 and tested decided to give Snappy Rom (https://github.com/adrianglz64/snappyrom) a try.
It works brilliantly on a real machine but never worked on the MiSTer core.

...... until now.

The 128k cart support fixes the Snappy Rom image and it now appears to work identically to real hardware (I haven't done any serious testing yet).

For anyone interested in using the C64 core for anything more than games, this is a really nice cart to accompany your C64 (real or simulated).

As well as the standard Super Snapshot features, Snappy rom also has Turbo Macro Pro built in to it so you can get coding straight from boot.

Thank you Sorgelig (and everyone else) for the improvements that have been made to the C64 core over the past couple of years.
It's my favourite core and I really appreciate the compatibility and stability you've provided.

I'll also take a quick second to thank Eriks5 for incorporating these changes into the C128 core at lightning speed.
I haven't really done much with the C128 core as of yet but do intend to get stuck into it once (if) I get fatigued with the C64

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