9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

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9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by sonik »

Discussion for the ipad retina display board controller.

If you have one please test it for some conditions and report.
This will help other users to decide what version to buy and where to get.

What's the version of the installed Realtek processor? If possible post a picture of it. Link to the seller is good too.
If board is from LaserBear, It's running the latest firmware?

Board have dual hdmi or hdmi/vga?

Check if it loses sync with low latency and native resolution (2048x1536@60)

Code: Select all

Check if it supports 50Hz. (PAL mode)
Check if it supports 480p signal. (640x480 resolution)

dvi_mode is enabled or disabled?
If using LaserBear's firmware, is vrr_mode enabled?

Some boards have a hidden info screen.
To show it: Press and hold MENU when you turn on the screen.

Warning: Flashing a firmware to the board is dangerous and can brick your device

RTDTool with the GFXI2C interface driver

Let us know if you had success flashing your board and the method used.
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by sonik »

I "bricked" my board by flashing a wrong firmware.
Before flashing it was detected on windows and the RTDTool could connect via GFXI2C interface driver.
After flashing with the wrong firmware the board won't even power up. Windows won't detect a device and so RTDTool can't connect to it.

I'm doomed!
But I think it's still possible to fix the board.

With the RTD266xFlash tool I can connect to the board and read it's firmware. Writing does not work at least for my board
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by KnightNZ »

sonik wrote: Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:54 pm I "bricked" my board by flashing a wrong firmware.
Before flashing it was detected on windows and the RTDTool could connect via GFXI2C interface driver.
After flashing with the wrong firmware the board won't even power up. Windows won't detect a device and so RTDTool can't connect to it.

I'm doomed!
But I think it's still possible to fix the board.

With the RTD266xFlash tool I can connect to the board and read it's firmware. Writing does not work at least for my board
Try a different HDMI cable, you may need to resort to either using the tool via the RaspberryPi Python method which seems to be more tolerant of the I2S interface than Windows is, or use one of the actual programmer boards. I found writing directly from Windows to be very patchy.
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by KnightNZ »

I've got a DIY'd Laserbear setup (sourced the case from LB, the other pieces from various sources). The controller board looks identical to the LB one although it has the RTD2556 chip on it, not the RTD2556T, which means even after flashing LBs current firmware, I don't get Aspect Ratio control, or rotation, neither of which particularly worry me. In reality the only functional difference between the LB firmware and what it arrived with looks to be the LB logo.

I also don't get 480p support, at all, or VRR as far as I can tell. I've asked Greg @ LB about this and he's come across the same thing and is apparently looking into it.

I've got another screen with a different RTD2556 board (the version with 2 miniHDMI inputs as linked to in the original thread here) and it _does_ support 480p, although it has a totally different (much more basic) firmware UI. If I try flashing the LB firmware to this unit, it bricks it, flashing the stock firmware back again resurrects it.
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

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KnightNZ wrote: Fri Jul 22, 2022 9:57 am Try a different HDMI cable, you may need to resort to either using the tool via the RaspberryPi Python method which seems to be more tolerant of the I2S interface than Windows is, or use one of the actual programmer boards. I found writing directly from Windows to be very patchy.
Tested with the RaspberryPi and also with an Arduino. With both I could read the firmware but not write it back.
I only tested with a single hdmi cable. I will try again with other cables.

A friend of mine does have a board with a very different firmware.
His board is vga/hdmi and does support 480p. It still looses sync with vsync_adjust=2 but happens way less than on my board.
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by asper »

I have a 2xminiHDMI board with no VGA port. Menu+power says: RTD with no other number after it.

Despite what is written on screen, inside i found a SAMSUNG LTN097QL01 lcd panel and not a LG LP097QX1. Tech specs seems to be the same, just different manufacturer.

To change language from default (chinese) i had to press:

Menu down down down
Menu Menu
Down down down menu (english)

PAL games in EU region works like a charm (50Hz).

I used a short good-quality HDMI cable, not the included one (it always gave me black screen).

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by sonik »

asper wrote: Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:05 am Can you explain me how to check 50hz support?
Set a core to PAL (EUROPE) and run a PAL game.
Can be done in most console cores.
Check mister's OSD for the current resolution and refresh rate.

IE: Load Genesis core.
On it's menu, set:

Load an EUROPE game.
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by asper »

sonik wrote: Thu Jul 28, 2022 2:17 pm
asper wrote: Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:05 am Can you explain me how to check 50hz support?
Set a core to PAL (EUROPE) and run a PAL game.
Can be done in most console cores.
Check mister's OSD for the current resolution and refresh rate.

IE: Load Genesis core.
On it's menu, set:

Load an EUROPE game.
Thank you! Any special .ini setting to be tested ?
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by sonik »

For PAL 50hz I don't think you need to change any ini setting.

But you can check out native resolution low latency mode also as an added test.
Test some cores (at ntsc 60hz) and see if the screen blanks out/looses sync. O mine most of the jotego cores blanks out. Like CPS1 and CPS2.
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by asper »

PAL games in EU region works like a charm.

About cps I tested cadillac and dinosaurs without any settings change. Is there a way to Force 60hz on cps games? Sorry to ask but... where should I add those vsync_adjust and video_mode ?

FYI: i trashed the hdmi cable included inside the lcd box and replaced it with a short High quality one, i had always black screen with the included cable.
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by sonik »

Thanks for testing 50hz mode. Please can edit your first post above (the one with the pictures) and add this info over there too?

Those settings are on mister.ini file

CPS games are in 60hz mode. O don't think it's possible to change.
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by asper »

sonik wrote: Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:15 pm Thanks for testing 50hz mode. Please can edit your first post above (the one with the pictures) and add this info over there too?

Those settings are on mister.ini file

CPS games are in 60hz mode. O don't think it's possible to change.
Done. I will test cps games with the above settings change as sono as I can. Should i just edit those value, start the game and see if I have screen issues?
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by sonik »

asper wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:03 am Done. I will test cps games with the above settings change as sono as I can. Should i just edit those value, start the game and see if I have screen issues?
This would be the best settings for this screen. Native screen resolution and low latency mode.
Keep in mind that the low latency mode currently have a negative effect the PSX core.
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by asper »

sonik wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 11:46 am
asper wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 5:03 am Done. I will test cps games with the above settings change as sono as I can. Should i just edit those value, start the game and see if I have screen issues?
This would be the best settings for this screen. Native screen resolution and low latency mode.
Keep in mind that the low latency mode currently have a negative effect the PSX core.
It seems to work like a charm !
xgnZM3H.jpg (277.49 KiB) Viewed 11347 times
dC149Qm.jpg (283.1 KiB) Viewed 11347 times

My previous values were:

I also tested the PSX core with crash bandicoot (usa):
l7sp5me.jpg (115.53 KiB) Viewed 11346 times
PJc7b7p.jpg (187.92 KiB) Viewed 11346 times
64nJHV5.jpg (296.33 KiB) Viewed 11346 times

but I cannot see issues (anyway no deep test done).

For reference:
vsync_adjust explanation: https://mister-devel.github.io/MkDocs_M ... o-settings
video_mode explanation: https://mister-devel.github.io/MkDocs_M ... ideomodes/
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by sonik »

Nice! Thanks for testing.
vsync_adjust=2 is known for making the core crash on some games with a lot of screen resolution changes. But it might have been fixed in the latest version :)
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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by BackDrift »

when I use video_mode 13 and vsync_mode 2. The screen keeps losing signal and regaining it. Do I need a different HDMI cable?
video_mode 12 and vsync_mode 0 works fine, even at 50hz.
I have 2x mini hdmi

seems like it only happens on same cores like cps2 and psx.

donpatchi at video_mode 13 and vsync_mode 2 works at 58hz!

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by rhester72 »

@BackDrift resync is normal, especially with PSX - many titles change resolution MANY times during into and play.

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by TomCig »

have the ipad screen with the latest laserbear firmware installed.
Is it possible to deactivate the onscreen info?

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by sonik »

I finally got a hardware flasher.

My board was dead from a bad flashing via displayport with hdmi adapter. It won't power on anymore and I could not reflash it from windows.
Now I've flashed it with a dedicated hardware and it's working!

And with a nice surprise, 640x480 over vga is working now! I can use it to play dreamcast :)

Seller from aliexpress gave me this firmware and it's working like a charm. I can share the firmware if anyone wants it.

Info screen now shows as "RTD2550". Previous firmware was "SVN3102"

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

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Yes. Please.

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

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The original firmware that came with the screen had this exactly viewtopic.php?p=42381#p42381.
My board is the hdmi and vga model and is exactly like this viewtopic.php?p=42458#p42458.

Seller gave me this new firmware. (attached)

Please use with caution and always make a backup of your original firmware!

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by limi »

And as always, note that the board and screen that this particular thread talks about does not require a firmware update to work out of the box.

(I know that sonik knows this, and he even states why he is doing the update, but as usual it’s easy to get confused and think that this is a necessity to get this screen working. It is not :)

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by sonik »

Good reminder!
Probably all boards out there will just work out of the box. Right?

On another subject, I'm curious if anyone got VRR working won windows with laserbear board/firmware. I've tested 3 firmware versions and can't enable vrr on windows with any of them.
My gpu supports the feature and I can use it on the LG CX tv.

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by Spunkworks »

sonik wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:18 pm

I finally got a hardware flasher.

My board was dead from a bad flashing via displayport with hdmi adapter. It won't power on anymore and I could not reflash it from windows.
Now I've flashed it with a dedicated hardware and it's working!

And with a nice surprise, 640x480 over vga is working now! I can use it to play dreamcast :)

Seller from aliexpress gave me this firmware and it's working like a charm. I can share the firmware if anyone wants it.

Info screen now shows as "RTD2550". Previous firmware was "SVN3102"

Where do I get this hardware flasher?

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by madmalkav »

Got one of these screens. MiniHDMI plus USB-C version. I still haven't received my Mister, so al the testing I've done has been with a computer.

It doesn't does 50hz, for 2048x1536 60hz is the only refresh rate available, for other modes there are many refresh rates available to select but screen will stop displaying image as soon as you change the refresh. Connecting by USB-C instead of HDMI limits the max resolution to 1600x1200.

To enter service menu, I have to enter menu first, then long press. This is what it shows:

IMG_3313.JPEG (682.72 KiB) Viewed 2640 times

I was also able to dump the firmware with RTD tool.

Is there any way I can, with the RTD tool or any other, know which version of the controller board I have to see if I can flash a better firmware? Or is dissasembly required?

PS: by the way, given the layout of the controls and looking at the available controllers for these screens, I'm pretty sure the board inside is this one: https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005007732873497.html

http://www.airdisp.com/showpro.asp?id=3 ... d=6&sid=26

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by madmalkav »

I disassembled it and confirmed this is the pcb: http://www.airdisp.com/showpro.asp?id=3 ... d=6&sid=26 , using RTD2556VD

And the screen is ltn097ql01

Gonna send an email to the pcb producer to see if they have a better firmware, but probably I will need to look for another pcb that supports 50hz and maybe other functionality. If anyone here have an HDMI/USB-C with those features and disassembled their screen, I'll appreciate a photo or any data of the PCB they have.

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Re: 9.7” iPad Screen Board Firmware Discussion

Unread post by madmalkav »

Tried to edit the EDID with the RTDTool through my NVIDIA GPU but it won't write the changes. If I understood correctly to enable write operations a pin must be lifted, but there are some tools that doesn't require that? But those tools are for whole firmware read/write operations, not granular editing?

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