MiSTer Wallpapers

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Re: MiSTer Wallpapers

Unread post by midline_slippy »

Question about when / how the MiSTer cycles wallpapers..

Is it a set time? IE: 30 seconds?
Is it based on selecting menu items?
Does it reload a different one when the menu reloads? (This seems like the case with my MiSTer setup)

Does it cycle abc? by date? by hdd order? (Have not been able to figure this out, as it seems to repeat some items more than others)

Is it possible to set a wallpaper/background based on what is selected on the menu? Select NES, get a NES background. Select a game in @Favorites and get a background for that specific game.

If menu selection is not possible, at least by menu location (in the main menu cycle thru 4 wallpapers, of the 4 main menu items, then in Console menu, cycle thru wallpapers of consoles - Of course taking the time to create /wallpaper/menu and /wallpaper/console, etc).

I have already created custom wallpapers per each game, right now I have all of them sitting in the wallpapers dir letting MiSTer cycle thru them. While I like the idea of SAM, I find this approach easier to manage.

The idea is making a faux GUI (the one major complaint i get from non-techy people that see the MiSter and a BIG reason they are not interested in getting one for themselves).

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Re: MiSTer Wallpapers

Unread post by hitm4n »

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