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Blisster Addon Board Low Latency ports acting weird

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 10:33 am
by AeroCity
Hi guys,

for some time now, my Blisster board is acting up after working flawlessly for quite some time.
Whenever I try to setup my gamepad, either with "define joystick buttons", or in the cores themselves, it either does not recognize inputs at all, or does random inputs. In rare circumstances, it lets me define my pad, but most buttons don't work (saturn original pad via adapter cable), in my case, start, a,b,c,l and r don't work.

Executing LLapi cores does sometimes switch the leds to red, but they switch back to green seconds later. :(

hopefully someone can help me.

Re: Blisster Addon Board Low Latency ports acting weird

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:27 pm
by Newsdee
There is a Bliss Box discord, or check the Blisster channel in the discord server in my link.

Re: Blisster Addon Board Low Latency ports acting weird

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:14 pm
by lamarax
I know BlisSter discussion here is quasi-verbotten for some reason, but did you try to flash both chips/ports? I'm fairly certain there was a firmware update recently.

Re: Blisster Addon Board Low Latency ports acting weird

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:25 pm
by SnackyCakes
Had a similar issue and it was my WiFi dongle causing inputs to register on the setup screen.