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FTP Browse to USB Drive?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 4:23 pm
by riblad_om
Is there a way to browse to my usb drive (not sd card) via ftp?

I can see /media/usb0 - usb7 but they all seem to be empty for me.

Re: FTP Browse to USB Drive?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 4:41 pm
by Hackshed_Carl
I don't know if this will help as I don't use FTP, I just use samba.
I've made my own personal wiki to help me remember certain things.
He is the section I've got for creating a samba share :-

Enable Samba file sharing
Official wiki page

By default Samba service is not active.
You need to rename /media/fat/linux/ to linux/, then edit this file if you need specific user name and password
Default username = root | password = 1
Reboot the MiSTer.
You can access the MiSTer either by IP address or by name \MiSTer (or \mister - case insensitive).

If you need to add any additional folders to Samba (eg for additional drives) you will need to ssh into the MiSTer device
Using your ssh client, connect to the MiSTer device using the default username and password.
Type the following command :-

nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
At the bottom of the file, add the following lines :-

path = /media/usb0
public = yes
writeable = yes
printable = no
Press Ctrl+X and then Y to save
At the command prompt, type 'reboot'

The MiSTer will now restart and the new share should be visible.

Re: FTP Browse to USB Drive?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 5:27 pm
by gojira54
Thanks for this - very handy =]

Re: FTP Browse to USB Drive?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 8:33 pm
by AmigoMexicano
Hello, I'm trying to browse my external HDD over FTP too, I see some people on youtube that do it, and I can't, same problem as riblad_om, if I go to usb0, 1, 2, etc., they are just blank or non access. Also, I can't see the stuff I copied on the /games folder, directly on the MiSTer. My HDD is 4TB formatted as NTFS, GPT partition type.

Do I have to setup something on the INI file?

Re: FTP Browse to USB Drive?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:30 am
by rsn8887
I think nothing is needed to browse USB? It is already mounted inside FAT?

For example, I copied a single folder to my USB Stick. The folder was "games/MegaCD", and removed the folder from SD card. So the USB stick had games/MegaCD, but the SD Card didn't have it.

If I now browse to the games folder via samba, all subfolders are shown, even the MegaCD one. If I go into the MegaCD folder, the USB stick is active, if I go into the others, the SD card is active.

So USB games folder is transparently merged with SD card games folder automatically, I think.

Re: FTP Browse to USB Drive?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:51 am
by AmigoMexicano
rsn8887 wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 2:30 am So USB games folder is transparently merged with SD card games folder automatically, I think.
Oh OK, I didn't removed the folder from the SD card. I'll try that.


Re: FTP Browse to USB Drive?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:58 pm
by rsn8887
Hmm I just tried to access my games directory again, via ftp, and now the games/megaCD folder from the USB stick does not appear anymore. Maybe I was wrong about this union of folders.

Re: FTP Browse to USB Drive?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:03 pm
by AmigoMexicano
Removing the /games folder completely from the SD card, worked for me. Also, the external HDD takes some time to spin up, so I turn it on and wait a little, before turning on the MiSTer.

Re: FTP Browse to USB Drive?

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 5:00 am
by coptimus
I was having this same problem with my external drive formatted NTFS. I changed over to exfat and can now access via FTP. I have a /games folder on both the sd card and the external HDD. It seems some of the computer cores do not like the /games folder to be on an external drive.