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WARNING! update_all.ini will be ignored.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:34 pm
by grizzly
I recently started over on my SD card with a new install/update_all and so on.
And i now have this error
NEW CHANGE! As of 2021.07.17, Update All will now look for INI files
stored in the same folder as
Any INI files at /media/fat/scripts will be ignored.

WARNING! /media/fat/scripts/update_all.ini will be ignored.
/media/fat/Scripts/update_all.ini will be used instead.
WARNING! /media/fat/scripts/update_names-txt.ini will be ignored.
/media/fat/Scripts/update_names-txt.ini will be used instead.

Waiting 30 seconds because of the warning messages...
One small reason for the start over was that i did have that error for a while before BUT then it was because the ini files was in a different folder then the so an understandable error msg was thrown out.
But the above error msg is NOT understandable at all that file will be ignored but will be used instead???

If i remove the ini files the first run after do not have the error until the ini files are saved (by the script) again then the error are back the next run.
WHY????? Anyone else gets this as well?

I do run one sd card and the one and only thing a bit out of the ordinary is i do have a symlink for the AO486 folder in the games folder going too my nas (and that works fine).

Re: WARNING! update_all.ini will be ignored.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:47 pm
by Flandango
Just move your update_all.ini file into the /media/fat/Scripts folder.
Linux is case sensitive and is expecting the Scripts folder to start with an upper-case S.
While I haven't looked at the code (old and/or new), its possible that in the past in will check the lower cased scripts folder along with the Scripts folder and now it doesn't.

Re: WARNING! update_all.ini will be ignored.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 9:39 pm
by grizzly
Already in Scripts folder (a BIG S that is).
Never had an scripts folder with a small s on the sd card since the restart, and i do not think that i had one before either.

I did just think about i used my old mister.ini so checked that but has nothing about update_all in it (did not thinks o either).
And NO no other ini files is used from the old install all other is newly made using the mr fusion installer and update_all (none is manually made/moved).

Re: WARNING! update_all.ini will be ignored.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:55 pm
by zakk4223
How are you running update all?

Looking at the code and that error message, it thinks you are in the directory '/media/fat/scripts' which it detects as different than '/media/fat/Scripts' due to linux-isms with case insensitive file systems.

Basically, if you are running it from the command line, cd to /media/fat/Scripts (note the upper case S). If you do cd /media/fat/scripts and then run the script, it will think you are in the wrong directory even though you aren't.

The script probably needs to detect that by canoncalizing the names with readlink -f or something

Re: WARNING! update_all.ini will be ignored.

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 11:54 am
by grizzly
I run the script over SSH/putty and yep i did use small s in the scripts.
Changing to big S solved it!

Thanks Zakk.