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Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:07 pm
by Aspie
Can someone confirm the correct name of the Neo Geo folder in the games directory please. Mine was NEOGEO. Today I ran update_all and it was giving me an error saying it couldn't check the NeoGeo bios files. I looked at the log and it was looking for the files in a folder called NeoGeo. When I renamed the folder to NeoGeo, update_all ran perfectly and completed with no errors.

But then when I load the Neo Geo core and go to select a game the gamelist is empty. If I go back and rename the folder to NEOGEO all the games show up in the gameslist.

Has there been a mix up in the last update?


Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:52 pm
by Wave
Mine is currently NeoGeo. Last ran Update All about two weeks ago.

Just randomly loaded a game, worked fine. Core version is NeoGeo_20211214.rbf.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:14 am
by CMR
Core settings have probably just been saved for folder named NEOGEO. You may be able to back out of the directory using the ".." and then select the other folder. Then go into menu and save the settings for that core again. I think that should do it.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:38 pm
by Aspie
The core was updated 11 days ago. I tried reverting back to NeoGeo_20211214.rbf but still get the same problem.

No matter what I do I can't back out to another directory. What is the ".."?

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 5:41 pm
by Wave
In computer OSes ".." usually means "go up one folder/directory level" and "." means "current folder/directory". On MiSTer clicking on the .. should move you back up one level in the tree. Is it failing?

On MiSTer you can also do this by pressing the controller's "X" button.

When I load up NeoGeo core, go to load a ROM set, and then choose .. it goes up one level so I can see the ROM folders for all console systems. If I then scroll upward and choose .. from there I ended up at the top level of the SD card. That's the typical folder setup. Just ran Update All and tested again on 22.01.05 core, works the same as usual.

Apologies if some of the above is obvious, just throwing stuff out in case it might be helpful. Wonder if you're having some file system issues.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 7:38 pm
by Aspie
No Files.jpg
No Files.jpg (57.71 KiB) Viewed 10112 times
Sorry but I am clueless about this .. thing. I am on this screen. I tried X on the controller and it does nothing. The only options I have is to hit escape or F12 to go back to the load ROM set screen. You can see it's looking for a folder NEOGEO, when the games are in NeoGeo.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 8:51 pm
by Wave
On a PC try browsing to /config on the sd card and deleting all the .cfg files that begin with "NEOGEO". Then see if behavior changes.

Actually, just renaming the /config folder to something else like /config_old would do the trick too. I think MiSTer will recreate it next boot. If you do that you will also have to remap your controller in the main Menu core.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 11:42 pm
by Aspie
Thanks Wave but that didn't work either. Deleted all the NeoGeo files, didn't work. Then renamed the whole config file, same result. There has to be a file somewhere that tells the core where to look for the games folder.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 12:19 am
by Flandango
Are you having issues with any other core?
Do you have any other USB drives attached?
Verify there is only one folder in /media/fat called games in all lower case (any other folder named Games may cause issues).
Last thing you can try, is to do a filesystem check on it in case it's going bad.
At Menu, hit F9, login, then run this command:

Code: Select all

fsck.exfat /dev/mmcblk0p1
If all is fine, it should just come back and tell you it was clean and how many files/directories it found.
If not, you will be notified of errors and if you want to try and fix them.
Sorry if you know all this or if you have tried some of this stuff out already, just figured I'll toss something out there and see if it helps.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:01 am
by CMR
I recently updated my SD Card and rebuilt everything from scratch. The directory on mine is NeoGeo. Try creating an empty NEOGEO directory, and then backing out of it to the right one.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:48 am
by Aspie
The only way i can get anything to work is if my games folder is called NEOGEO.
I created a new folder called NeoGeo and put a single game in there for testing purposes. When I load the core it goes straight to the NEOGEO folder. I can back out of that and select the NeoGeo folder and select the game. I saved settings. But when I reboot it goes back to the NEOGEO folder.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:35 am
by CMR
There must be another group of settings for the menu that handles this. That's the best I can think of. Sorry I can't help you further.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:40 am
by limi
This sounds like maybe something like file system case sensitivity + recent changes to MiSTer? (without knowing exactly what is going on here) 😄

Are you sure your file system on the SD card is using exFAT, not something like NTFS?

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:42 pm
by Aspie
I decided to wipe the external drive that holds the games folder. Reformatted it and reinstalled the games folder from a backup drive. It's back working now. Still not sure what was going on.

Thanks for all the replies.

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:48 pm
by FPGA64
Hope you used ExFat32 as thats not a case sensitive disk format

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:56 pm
by Wave
Oh, it's an external USB drive? I wouldn't be surprised if that's a key detail here, with the MiSTer being confused between the SD and the USB. I wonder if you need to edit some aspect of the Update All to account for your setup. Idk since I haven't been in that sitch.

Anyway, here's to problem-free updates going forward. 🥂

Re: Neo Geo and Update_All problem

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 9:00 pm
by Aspie
Yes Wave, I've had my games folder on a USB for ages now. I have a script to tell everything where to look for the games, and it's worked fine. But a few weeks ago I upgraded to a 1TB external drive. Everything has been great until a few days ago when this mess started :D