Mister FPGA Discord Server Invite Issues

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Mister FPGA Discord Server Invite Issues

Post by aedryan »

Hello, I'm trying to join the Discord server and get a "Unable to accept invite" message when I try to join. I've asked Discord support about this and they have confirmed the invite link is valid and say:
it's likely that your IP address is banned from the server. Could you ask one of the moderators to clear all bans in Server Settings > Bans?

Keep in mind that if you have an IP address that was used at any point by a user who was banned, you might be banned because of that.

Also, if you were a member of the server in the past, it is possible that a "ghost" version of your account is still a member. This will prevent you from joining again. Have the mods check their user list to make sure your Discord Tag isn't on it. If it is, and you're not in the server, it could be that you weren't fully kicked originally. Once your "ghost" is kicked, you should be able to join again.

Another option is that a moderation bot has your Discord Tag on its blacklist. You can ask the mods to check each bot's blacklist to ensure that your Discord Tag is not on it.
I've never joined the server before so I don't think I was banned deliberately so maybe it's one of the alternative reasons or Discord itself is having an issue with my account. Could someone who is a moderator on the Discord please look at the items above to see if my account, IP, Ghost, or tag has issues? If so, would you please DM with me so I can provide my Discord username, tag, IP address for investigation?
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