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Settings to Help Mimic ‘4-Way’ Joystick?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2022 8:40 am
by mef
I'm setting up my MiSTer (finally!) and I'm starting to appreciate the significance of things I've read over the past few months.

Today's challenge: I read about how important getting a 4-way restrictor was for games like Pac-man and Donkey Kong, but I didn't fully appreciate it. Now I do: the arcade stick I bought from amazon isn't great overall, and it's _terrible_ for 4-way games. So I'll have to find one of those joysticks with the restrictor.

In the meantime: I am fairly certain I read somewhere about a setting or script to apply to non-4-way sticks that can help. Not sure exactly, but I thought it would do something to the diagonals that will help a bit. I cannot find it anywhere now, though.

Suggestions will be much appreciated. Where I live it is going to take weeks or months to find a proper stick.


Re: Settings to Help Mimic ‘4-Way’ Joystick?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2022 3:53 pm
by Blamo
If your stick has a square gate you can just rotate the insert to diamond. Otherwise you can get a square insert for your restrictor gate for like a dollar. No need to buy a new stick.

Re: Settings to Help Mimic ‘4-Way’ Joystick?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2022 4:48 pm
by mef
Thanks. I'm ordering a restrictor gate... that will be helpful. (I am not sure if it has a square gate or not.)

But I really am convinced I saw a hack/script/setting (unsure) for a software solution to help with the problem until the restrictor comes. I just can't find it.