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Vscale Option Gameboy Core / How to fill screen?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:29 pm
by Ashenshards
So I've been trying to use some vscale option to fill the screen for the Gameboy core. But regardless of whatever vscale option I use, with Super Gameboy Option Off, it just scales larger than my screen. Currently I want to use integer scaling. 144 pixels high should fit 720 p 5 times? So an integer scale should fit to screen right? All other cores with integer scaling scale up to some 1X without going beyond the screen. Unless Gameboy is designed to scale beyond the screen regardless of Vscale ?

Re: Vscale Option Gameboy Core / How to fill screen?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:21 pm
by Ashenshards
I found this solution after some trial and error. Just increased the vscale_border until it fit the screen. (HDMI)

vscale_border=0 ; set vertical border for TVs cutting the upper/bottom parts of screen (1-399)

so something like this added to the end of the Mister.ini . Only set for specific core since no other core goes beyond the screen space.
