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GunCon2 - hitting F10 does nothing

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 3:28 pm
by toastboy

Trying to calibrate guncon2, but hitting F10 on the OSD does nothing, what am I doing wrong?

Re: GunCon2 - hitting F10 does nothing

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:00 pm
by prenetic

Yeah I had some issues figuring this out too, it's pretty unclear. Going from memory I think you have to have the GunCon selected as your input method in the core, and then while in the OSD for that core hit F10. Each core stores its own calibration settings.

Re: GunCon2 - hitting F10 does nothing

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:12 pm
by toastboy

Found the issue - wiring.
The front-panel usb ports on my arcade cab are a 2-port mini hub.
Plugging into that does not cause the guncon2 to show up when I do "lsusb -t" in terminal.

Plugging direct to the mister's hub works, and the F10 menu can be used from OSD. It is only accessible when a guncon2 is detected.

Code: Select all

|__ Port 3: Dev 6, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=guncon2, 1.5M
        ID 0b9a:016a

My other wiring issue is that when I connect the composite sync phono to the guncon, I get no aim.
If I part-insert the phono - just the center pin - not the outer shielding (GND) I get aim.

I think I have some issue with GND being different between the hantarex monitor and the mister's USB hub.
For now I think I'll just disconnect the GND from the sync connector.