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MiSTerCade Can't Assign 2P Inputs in Astro City After update_all

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:04 pm
by AstroCityMega

Hi MiSTer community,

I recently installed my Mistercade in my Astro City. I have a kick harness installed and everything was working perfectly until I ran update_all yesterday.

Now, all inputs register via the Input Utility Test, but when I go to assign buttons to a specific core, it will only register the buttons for player 1 or player 2, whichever inputs first.

All dip switches are off and I've done my best to redo the inputs in the main mister menu, but this hasn't solved the issue and I'm somewhat at a loss given that all of the hardware is behaving as intended.

At this point I'm thinking of the following actions:

  • re-run update_all
  • run update
  • search for a Mistercade specific update script (? - read this online, cant substantiate)

Any help you all can provide would be greatly appreciated.