Accessing System menu while using bootcore=lastcore

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Accessing System menu while using bootcore=lastcore

Post by SuperKeeks »

I'm using the bootcore=lastcore (and timeout commented out) for an arcade cabinet.

Is there a way to access the system's main menu (the one that allows running scripts, etc) while using this option?

AFAIK the only way to access that menu is by rebooting, but because I'm using bootcore=lastcore without any timeout, the only option I can think of is plugging the sd card to a computer, and editing (or replacing) the mister.ini file to disable the bootcore option.

I've tried alternate .ini files, but they load the last core even if the option to boot the last core is off in that alt config.

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Re: Accessing System menu while using bootcore=lastcore

Post by SuperKeeks »

I just found the way. You just need to do a regular "Reboot", not a "Cold reboot" (which does run the last core again)
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