Is it possible to port OCM 3.9b to MiSTer FPGA?

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Re: Is it possible to port OCM 3.9b to MiSTer FPGA?

Post by DucaSP »

Hi there, we are currently at 3.9c with added new features... Unfortunately I don't have a MiSTER and can't afford one (it would cost me a month of sallary after import taxes and shipping, yeah, Brazil currency is not worth a lot compared to USD or EUR), so I personally can't improve the MSX_MISTER with those extra features.

Hopefully someone else can pick-up the changes using WinMerge and compile and test for MiSTER, nothing too complex to do. If I had a MiSTER would gladly port it, as I did for MC2+ (which I have). If someone that has MiSTER and some knowledge wants to go ahead and port it, I recommend going with MC2+ version as it has everything included and stereo OPL3, and if any questions pop-up, feel free to contact me, my e-mail is on my github or send me a message here.
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